Represents an AbstractComponent made up of one or more Paths.

For some Editor editor and Stroke stroke,


editor.dispatch(stroke.updateStyle({ color: }));


editor.dispatch(stroke.transformBy(Mat33.translation(Vec2.of(10, 0))));


import {
	Editor, EditorImage, Stroke, Path, Color4,
} from 'js-draw';

const editor = new Editor(document.body);

const stroke = Stroke.fromFilled(
	Path.fromString('m0,0 l100,100 l0,-10 z'),,

Hierarchy (View Summary)



  • Creates a Stroke from the given parts. All parts should have the same color.


    Returns Stroke

    // A path that starts at (1,1), moves to the right by (2, 0),
    // then moves down and right by (3, 3)
    const path = Path.fromString('m1,1 2,0 3,3');

    const stroke = new Stroke([
    // Fill with red
    pathToRenderable(path, { fill: })


contentBBox: Rect2

The bounding box of this component. getBBox, by default, returns contentBBox. This must be set by components.

If this changes, EditorImage.queueRerenderOf should be called for this object (provided that this object has been added to the editor.)

Note: This value is ignored if getSizingMode returns FillScreen or FillImage.

lastChangedTime: number

The timestamp (milliseconds) at which the component was last changed (i.e. created/translated).


  • Returns Readonly<RenderablePathSpecWithPath>[]

    A list of the parts that make up this path. Many paths only have one part.

    Each part (a RenderablePathSpec) contains information about the style and geometry of that part of the stroke. Use the .path property to do collision detection and other operations involving the stroke's geometry.

    Note that many of Path's methods (e.g. Path.intersection) take a strokeWidth parameter that can be gotten from .stroke.width.

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

    true if this component intersects rect -- it is entirely contained within the rectangle or one of the rectangle's edges intersects this component.

    The default implementation assumes that this.getExactBBox() returns a tight bounding box -- that any horiziontal/vertical line that intersects this' boounding box also intersects a point in this component. If this is not the case, components must override this function.

  • Convert the component to an object that can be passed to JSON.stringify.

    Do not rely on the output of this function to take a particular form — this function's output can change form without a major version increase.

    Returns {
        data: string | number | any[] | Record<string, any>;
        id: string;
        loadSaveData: LoadSaveDataTable;
        name: string;
        zIndex: number;

  • Return null iff this object cannot be safely serialized/deserialized.

    Returns {
        path: string;
        style: {
            fill: string;
            stroke: undefined | { color: string; width: number };

  • Creates a new Stroke from a Path and style. Strokes created with this method have transparent fill.


    import { Editor, Stroke, Color4 } from 'js-draw';
    const editor = new Editor(document.body);
    const stroke = Stroke.fromStroked('m0,0 l10,10', { width: 10, color: });

    Notice that path can be a string that specifies an SVG path


    Returns Stroke


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