constructorA unique identifier for the type of component
initialZIndex: numberProtected
contentBBoxThe bounding box of this component.
getBBox, by default, returns contentBBox
This must be set by components.
If this changes, EditorImage.queueRerenderOf should be called for this object (provided that this object has been added to the editor.)
Note: This value is ignored if getSizingMode returns FillScreen
or FillImage
lastThe timestamp (milliseconds) at which the component was last changed (i.e. created/translated).
applyAttach data that can be used while exporting the component (e.g. to SVG).
This is intended for use by an ImageLoader.
Returns a copy of this component.
createComponent-specific implementation of clone.
descriptionReturns information about how this component should be displayed (e.g. fill the screen or get its size from getBBox).
EditorImage.queueRerenderOf must be called to apply changes to the output of this method if this component has already been added to an EditorImage.
intersectstrue if lineSegment
intersects this component.
true if this component intersects rect
-- it is entirely contained
within the rectangle or one of the rectangle's edges intersects this component.
The default implementation assumes that this.getExactBBox()
returns a tight bounding box
-- that any horiziontal/vertical line that intersects this' boounding box also
intersects a point in this component. If this is not the case, components must override
this function.
Called when this component is added to the given image.
renderRenders this component onto the given canvas
If visibleRect
is given, it should be the region of canvas
that is visible --
rendering anything outside of visibleRect
should have no visible effect on the
resultant image.
For optimal performance, implementers should call canvas.startObject
and canvas.endObject
before and after rendering.
visibleRect: Rect2Convert the component to an object that can be passed to
Do not rely on the output of this function to take a particular form — this function's output can change form without a major version increase.
serializeReturns a command that updates this component's z-index.
Returns a command that, when applied, transforms this by [affineTransfm] and updates the editor.
The transformed component is also moved to the top (use AbstractComponent#setZIndexAndTransformBy to avoid this behavior).
withOptional method: Divides this component into sections roughly along the given path,
removing parts that are roughly within shape
if unsupported.viewport
should be provided to determine how newly-added points should be rounded.
deserializeConvert a string or an object produced by JSON.parse
into an AbstractComponent
registerStore the deserialization callback (or lack of it) for [componentKind]. If components are registered multiple times (as may be done in automated tests), the most recent deserialization callback is used.
A base class for everything that can be added to an EditorImage.
In addition to the
methods, there are a few methods that should be overridden when creating a selectable/erasable subclass: