Class EditorImage

Handles lookup/storage of elements in the image.

js-draw images are made up of a collection of AbstractComponents (which includes Strokes, TextComponents, etc.). An EditorImage is the data structure that stores these components.

Here's how to do a few common operations:


import { Editor, RenderingStyle, Erase, Stroke, pathToRenderable } from 'js-draw';
import { Path, Color4, Point2, Vec2, Rect2 } from '@js-draw/math';
const editor = new Editor(document.body);

// //////////////// //
// Helper functions //
// //////////////// //

function addStroke(path: Path, style: RenderingStyle) {
	const stroke = new Stroke([
		pathToRenderable(path, style)

	// Create a command that adds the stroke to the image
	// (but don't apply it yet).
	const command = editor.image.addComponent(stroke);
	// Actually apply the command.

function addBoxAt(point: Point2, color: Color4) {
	// Create a 10x10 square at the given point:
	const box = new Rect2(point.x, point.y, 10, 10);

		{ fill: color },

function makeTrashIcon() {
	const container = document.createElement('div');
	container.textContent = '🗑️';
	return container;

// //////////////////// //
// End helper functions //
// //////////////////// //

// Add some components to the image:
addBoxAt(Vec2.of(0, 0),;
addBoxAt(Vec2.of(20, 0),;
addBoxAt(Vec2.of(20, 20),;

// Get the components in a small rectangle near (0, 0)
const components = editor.image.getComponentsIntersecting(
	new Rect2(0, 0, 5, 5), // a 5x5 square with top left (0, 0)

// Add a button that removes the components
const toolbar = editor.addToolbar();
	icon: makeTrashIcon(),
	label: 'remove near (0,0)',
}, () => {
	const deleteCommand = new Erase(components);


notifier: EditorImageNotifier

Event handler


  • Parameters

    • region: Rect2
    • includeBackground: boolean = false

    Returns AbstractComponent[]

    a list of AbstractComponents intersecting region, sorted by increasing z-index.

    Components in the background layer are only included if includeBackground is true.

  • Renders this image to the given renderer.

    If viewport is non-null, only components that can be seen from that viewport will be rendered. If viewport is null, all components are rendered.


    import {Editor,CanvasRenderer} from 'js-draw';
    // Create an editor and load initial data -- don't add to the body (hidden editor).
    const editor = new Editor(document.createElement('div'));
    await editor.loadFromSVG('<svg><path d="m0,0 l100,5 l-50,60 l30,20 z" fill="green"/></svg>');
    // Given some editor.
    // Set up the canvas to be drawn onto.
    const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
    // Ensure that the canvas can fit the entire rendering
    const viewport = editor.image.getImportExportViewport();
    canvas.width = viewport.getScreenRectSize().x;
    canvas.height = viewport.getScreenRectSize().y;
    // Render editor.image onto the renderer
    const renderer = new CanvasRenderer(ctx, viewport);
    editor.image.render(renderer, viewport);
    // Add the rendered canvas to the document.


    Returns void

  • Returns a Command that sets whether the image should autoresize when AbstractComponents are added/removed.


    • autoresize: boolean

    Returns Command

    import { Editor } from 'js-draw';
    const editor = new Editor(document.body);
    const toolbar = editor.addToolbar();
    // Add a save button to demonstrate what the output looks like
    // (it should change size to fit whatever was drawn)
    toolbar.addSaveButton(() => {
      document.body.replaceChildren(editor.toSVG({ sanitize: true }));
    // Actually using setAutoresizeEnabled:
    // To set autoresize without announcing for accessibility/making undoable
    const addToHistory = false;
    editor.dispatchNoAnnounce(editor.image.setAutoresizeEnabled(true), addToHistory);
    // Add to undo history **and** announce for accessibility
    //editor.dispatch(editor.image.setAutoresizeEnabled(true), true);
  • Returns a command that adds the given element to the EditorImage. If applyByFlattening is true, the content of the wet ink renderer is rendered onto the main rendering canvas instead of doing a full re-render.


    Returns SerializableCommand



    import {
    	Editor, EditorImage, Stroke, Path, Color4,
    } from 'js-draw';
    const editor = new Editor(document.body);
    const stroke = Stroke.fromFilled(
    	Path.fromString('m0,0 l100,100 l0,-10 z'),,
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