Getting started

There are two main ways of adding js-draw to a project:

  • With a JavaScript bundler (e.g. ESBuild or Webpack).
  • Using a CDN (e.g. jsdelivr).

Similar information can also be found in the README.

A JavaScript bundlers take the source files of your project (JavaScript, CSS, etc.), and convert them into a form that can be loaded by a browser. When used with a tool like npm, bundlers can simplify dependency management.

If you don't plan on adding a bundler to your project, skip to the pre-bundled version section.

From the same directory as your project's package.json, npm install js-draw:

$ npm install --save-dev js-draw

To also add the material icons dependency, also npm install @js-draw/material-icons:

$ npm install --save-dev @js-draw/material-icons

To create a new Editor and add it as a child of document.body, use the Editor constructor:

import Editor from 'js-draw';
import 'js-draw/styles';

const editor = new Editor(document.body);

The import js-draw/styles step requires a bundler that can import .css files. For example, webpack with css-loader.

Import the pre-bundled version of the editor to apply CSS after loading the page.

import Editor from 'js-draw';
import 'js-draw/bundledStyles';

const editor = new Editor(document.body);

js-draw/bundledStyles is a version of the editor's stylesheets pre-processed by es-build. As such, importing or including it with a <script src="..."></script> tag applies editor-specific CSS to the document.

While not recommended for production builds, using a CDN can make it easier to get started with js-draw.

	Replace 1.27.1 with the latest version of js-draw, which should be 1.28.0.
<script src=""></script>
  const editor = new jsdraw.Editor(document.body);

Note: To ensure the CDN-hosted version of js-draw hasn't been tampered with, consider including an integrity="..." attribute. Read more about using SRI with JSDelivr.

Of course, you can also self-host bundle.js.


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