Custom components

It's possible to create custom subclasses of AbstractComponent. You might do this if, for example, none of the built-in components are sufficient to implement a particular feature.

There are several steps to creating a custom component:

  1. Subclass AbstractComponent.
  2. Implement the abstract methods.
    • description, createClone, applyTransformation, intersects, and render.
  3. (Optional) Make it possible to load/save the AbstractComponent to SVG.
  4. (Optional) Make it possible to serialize/deserialize the component.
    • Component serialization and deserialization is used for collaborative editing.

This guide shows how to create a simple custom component.

import { Editor } from 'js-draw';
const editor = new Editor(document.body);

We'll start by subclassing AbstractComponent. There are a few methods we'll implement:

const componentId = 'example';
class ImageStatusComponent extends AbstractComponent {
// The bounding box of the component -- REQUIRED
// The bounding box should be a rectangle that completely contains the
// component's content.
protected contentBBox: Rect2;

public constructor() {
this.contentBBox = // TODO

public override render(canvas: AbstractRenderer): void {
// TODO: Render the component

public intersects(line: LineSegment2): boolean {
// TODO: Return true if the component intersects a line

protected applyTransformation(transformation: Mat33): void {
// TODO: Move/scale/rotate the component based on `transformation`

protected createClone(): AbstractComponent {
// TODO: Return a copy of the component.

public description(): string {
// TODO: Describe the component for accessibility tools

protected serializeToJSON(): string {
// TODO: Return a JSON string that represents the component state.
// Only used for collaborative editing.


  • componentId is a unique identifier for this type of component. It's main use is to support collaborative editing.
  • render will draw the component to the screen.

The most important of the above methods is arguably render.

Let's get started by making the component render something.

import { LineSegment2, Mat33, Rect2, Color4 } from '@js-draw/math';
import { AbstractRenderer, AbstractComponent } from 'js-draw';

const componentId = 'example';
class ExampleComponent extends AbstractComponent {
	protected contentBBox: Rect2;

	public constructor() {

		// For now, create a 50x50 bounding box centered at (0,0).
		// We'll update this later:
		this.contentBBox = new Rect2(0, 0, 50, 50);

	public override render(canvas: AbstractRenderer, _visibleRect?: Rect2): void {
		// Be sure that everything drawn between .startObject and .endObject is within contentBBox.
		// Content outside contentBBox may not be drawn in all cases.

		// _visibleRect is the part of the image that's currently visible. We can
		// ignore it for now.


		// Ends the object and attaches any additional metadata attached by an image loader
		// (e.g. if this object was created by SVGLoader).

	// Must be implemented by all components, used for things like erasing and selection.
	public intersects(line: LineSegment2) {
		// TODO: For now, our component won't work correctly if the user tries to select it.
		// We'll implement this later.
		return false;

	protected applyTransformation(transformation: Mat33): void {
		// TODO: Eventually, this should move the component. We'll implement this later.

	protected createClone(): AbstractComponent {
		return new ExampleComponent();

	public description(): string {
		// This should be a brief description of the component's content (for
		// accessibility tools)
		return 'a red box';

	protected serializeToJSON() {
		return JSON.stringify({
			// Some data to save (for collaborative editing)

// data: The data serialized by serlailzeToJSON
AbstractComponent.registerComponent(componentId, data => {
	// TODO: Deserialize the component from [data]. This is used if collaborative
	// editing is enabled.
	return new ExampleComponent();

// Add the component
editor.dispatch(editor.image.addComponent(new ExampleComponent()));

Try clicking "run"! Notice that we now have a red box. Since applyTransformation and intersects aren't implemented, it doesn't work with the selection or eraser tools. We'll implement those methods next.

To make it possible for a user to move and resize our ExampleComponent, we'll need a bit more state. In particular, we'll add:

  • A Mat33 that stores the position/rotation of the component.
    • See the Mat33 documentation for more information.
  • Logic to update contentBBox when the component is changed.
    • contentBBox is the bounding box of the component. In other words, the component should be entirely within contentBBox.
    • As a performance optimization, js-draw avoids drawing components that are completely offscreen. js-draw determines whether a component is onscreen using contentBBox. In incorrect bounding box can result in the component not being drawn.
import { Editor } from 'js-draw';
const editor = new Editor(document.body);
import { LineSegment2, Mat33, Rect2, Color4 } from '@js-draw/math';
import { AbstractRenderer, AbstractComponent } from 'js-draw';

const componentId = 'example';
class ExampleComponent extends AbstractComponent {
	protected contentBBox: Rect2;

	// NEW: Stores the scale/rotation/position. "Transform" is short for "transformation".
	private transform: Mat33;
	// NEW: Stores the untransformed bounding box of the component. If the component hasn't
	// been moved/scaled yet, initialBBox should completely contain the component's content.
	private initialBBox: Rect2;

	public constructor(transform: Mat33) {

		this.transform = transform;
		this.initialBBox = new Rect2(0, 0, 50, 50);

	// NEW: Updates this.contentBBox. Should be called whenever this.transform changes.
	private updateBoundingBox() {
		this.contentBBox = this.initialBBox.transformedBoundingBox(

	public override render(canvas: AbstractRenderer, _visibleRect?: Rect2): void {

		// Everything between .pushTransform and .popTransform will be scaled/rotated by this.transform.
		// Try removing the .pushTransform and .popTransform lines!

		// After the call to .popTransform, this.transform is no longer transforming the canvas.
		// Try uncommenting the following line:
		// canvas.fillRect(this.initialBBox,;
		// What happens when the custom component is selected and moved?
		// What happens to the orange rectangle when the red rectangle is moved offscreen?


	public intersects(line: LineSegment2) {
		// Our component is currently just a rectangle. As such (for some values of this.transform),
		// we can use the Rect2.intersectsLineSegment method here:
		const intersectionCount = this.contentBBox.intersectsLineSegment(line).length;
		return intersectionCount > 0; // What happpens if you always return `true` here?

	protected applyTransformation(transformUpdate: Mat33): void {
		// `.rightMul`, "right matrix multiplication" combines two transformations.
		// The transformation on the left is applied **after** the transformation on the right.
		// As such, `transformUpdate.rightMul(this.transform)` means that `this.transform`
		// will be applied **before** the `transformUpdate`.
		this.transform = transformUpdate.rightMul(this.transform);

	protected createClone(): AbstractComponent {
		const clone = new ExampleComponent(this.transform);
		return clone;

	public description(): string {
		return 'a red box';

	protected serializeToJSON() {
		return JSON.stringify({
			// TODO: Some data to save (for collaborative editing)

// data: The data serialized by serlailzeToJSON
AbstractComponent.registerComponent(componentId, data => {
	// TODO: Deserialize the component from [data]. This is used if collaborative
	// editing is enabled.
	return new ExampleComponent(Mat33.identity);

// Add the component
const initialTransform = Mat33.identity;
editor.dispatch(editor.image.addComponent(new ExampleComponent(initialTransform)));

After clicking "run", it should be possible to select and move the custom component.


Above, intersects is implemented using this.contentBBox.intersectsLineSegment. This is incorrect if the component has been rotated. In this case, the bounding box is not the same as the rectangle that's drawn onscreen:

Bounding boxWhat's drawn onscreen
A rotated red box ("what's drawn onscreen") is inside a white box labeled "bounding box"

A more correct implementation might be:

line = line.transformedBy(this.transform.inverse());
return this.initialBBox.intersectsLineSegment(line).length > 0;

This "untransforms" the line so that initialBBox represents our object, relative to the updated line.

Currently, copy-pasting the ExampleComponent pastes a StrokeComponent. Let's fix that.

Why does this happen? js-draw copies components as SVG. As a result, to paste our components correctly, we need to add logic to load from SVG. This can be done by creating a SVGLoaderPlugin and including it in the EditorSettings for a new editor.

A SVGLoaderPlugin should contain a single visit method that will be called with each node in the image. A simple such plugin might look like this

import { Editor, SVGLoaderPlugin, Stroke } from 'js-draw';
import { Color4 } from '@js-draw/math';

let nextX = 0;
const testPlugin: SVGLoaderPlugin = {
	async visit(node, loader) {
		if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'text') {
			const testComponent = Stroke.fromFilled(
				`m${nextX},0 l50,0 l0,50 z`,,
			nextX += 100;
			return true;
		// Return false to do the default image loading
		return false;

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
	svg: {
		loaderPlugins: [ testPlugin ],

// With the loader plugin, text objects are converted to red triangles.
		<text y="50">test 2</text>
		<text y="100">test 3</text>

The above example loads the text objects as triangles.

Let's create a version that loads our custom component:

const plugin: SVGLoaderPlugin = {
async visit(node, loader) {
if (node.classList.contains('comp--example-component')) {
const transform = // TODO: Get transform from the `node`.
const customComponent = new ExampleComponent(transform);
return true;
// Return false to do the default image loading
return false;

...and update our custom component to attach the correct information while saving:

class ExampleComponent extends AbstractComponent {
// ...

public override render(canvas: AbstractRenderer, _visibleRect?: Rect2): void {


// The containerClassNames argument, when rendering to an SVG, wraps our component
// in a <g class="..."> with the provided class names.
const containerClassNames = ['comp--example-component'];
canvas.endObject(this.getLoadSaveData(), containerClassNames);

// ...

All together,

import { Editor } from 'js-draw';
import { LineSegment2, Mat33, Rect2, Color4 } from '@js-draw/math';
import { AbstractRenderer, AbstractComponent } from 'js-draw';

const componentId = 'example';
class ExampleComponent extends AbstractComponent {
	protected contentBBox: Rect2;

	private transform: Mat33;
	private initialBBox: Rect2;

	public constructor(transform: Mat33) {

		this.transform = transform;
		this.initialBBox = new Rect2(0, 0, 50, 50);

	private updateBoundingBox() {
		this.contentBBox = this.initialBBox.transformedBoundingBox(

	public override render(canvas: AbstractRenderer, _visibleRect?: Rect2): void {


		const containerClassNames = ['comp--example-component'];
		canvas.endObject(this.getLoadSaveData(), containerClassNames);

	public intersects(line: LineSegment2) {
		// Our component is currently just a rectangle. As such (for some values of this.transform),
		// we can use the Rect2.intersectsLineSegment method here:
		const intersectionCount = this.contentBBox.intersectsLineSegment(line).length;
		return intersectionCount > 0; // What happpens if you always return `true` here?

	protected applyTransformation(transformUpdate: Mat33): void {
		// `.rightMul`, "right matrix multiplication" combines two transformations.
		// The transformation on the left is applied **after** the transformation on the right.
		// As such, `transformUpdate.rightMul(this.transform)` means that `this.transform`
		// will be applied **before** the `transformUpdate`.
		this.transform = transformUpdate.rightMul(this.transform);

	protected createClone(): AbstractComponent {
		const clone = new ExampleComponent(this.transform);
		return clone;

	public description(): string {
		return 'a red box';

	protected serializeToJSON() {
		return JSON.stringify({
			// TODO: Some data to save (for collaborative editing)

AbstractComponent.registerComponent(componentId, data => {
	// TODO:
	return new ExampleComponent(Mat33.identity);

const plugin: SVGLoaderPlugin = {
	async visit(node, loader) {
		if (node.classList.contains('comp--example-component')) {
			// TODO: Set the transformation matrix correctly -- get this information
			// from the `node`. This isn't too important for copy/paste support.
			const customComponent = new ExampleComponent(Mat33.identity);
			return true;
		// Return false to do the default image loading
		return false;

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
	svg: {
		loaderPlugins: [ plugin ],

// Add the component
const initialTransform = Mat33.identity;
editor.dispatch(editor.image.addComponent(new ExampleComponent(initialTransform)));

It should now be possible to copy/paste the custom component, without it becoming a Stroke.


If you find collaborative editing bugs, please report them.

Let's start by setting up two editors that sync commands:

import { Editor, invertCommand, SerializableCommand, EditorEventType } from 'js-draw';

const editor1 = new Editor(document.body);
// Store the toolbar in a variable -- we'll use it later
const toolbar = editor1.addToolbar();

const editor2 = new Editor(document.body);

const applySerializedCommand = (serializedCommand: any, editor: Editor) => {
	const command = SerializableCommand.deserialize(serializedCommand, editor);

const applyCommandsToOtherEditor = (sourceEditor: Editor, otherEditor: Editor) => {
	sourceEditor.notifier.on(EditorEventType.CommandDone, (evt) => {
		// Type assertion.
		if (evt.kind !== EditorEventType.CommandDone) {
			throw new Error('Incorrect event type');

		if (evt.command instanceof SerializableCommand) {
			const serializedCommand = evt.command.serialize();
			applySerializedCommand(serializedCommand, otherEditor);
		} else {
			console.log('Nonserializable command');
	sourceEditor.notifier.on(EditorEventType.CommandUndone, (evt) => {
		// Type assertion.
		if (evt.kind !== EditorEventType.CommandUndone) {
			throw new Error('Incorrect event type');

		if (evt.command instanceof SerializableCommand) {
			const serializedCommand = invertCommand(evt.command).serialize();
			applySerializedCommand(serializedCommand, otherEditor);
		} else {
			console.log('Nonserializable command');

applyCommandsToOtherEditor(editor1, editor2);
applyCommandsToOtherEditor(editor2, editor1);

Next, we'll take our component from before, except implement serializeToJSON and the deserialize callback in registerComponent:

import { Editor } from 'js-draw';
import { LineSegment2, Mat33, Rect2, Color4 } from '@js-draw/math';
import { AbstractRenderer, AbstractComponent } from 'js-draw';

const componentId = 'example';
class ExampleComponent extends AbstractComponent {
	protected contentBBox: Rect2;

	private transform: Mat33;
	private initialBBox: Rect2;

	public constructor(transform: Mat33) {

		this.transform = transform;
		this.initialBBox = new Rect2(0, 0, 50, 50);

	private updateBoundingBox() {
		this.contentBBox = this.initialBBox.transformedBoundingBox(

	public override render(canvas: AbstractRenderer, _visibleRect?: Rect2): void {


		const containerClassNames = ['comp--example-component'];
		canvas.endObject(this.getLoadSaveData(), containerClassNames);

	public intersects(line: LineSegment2) {
		// Our component is currently just a rectangle. As such (for some values of this.transform),
		// we can use the Rect2.intersectsLineSegment method here:
		const intersectionCount = this.contentBBox.intersectsLineSegment(line).length;
		return intersectionCount > 0; // What happpens if you always return `true` here?

	protected applyTransformation(transformUpdate: Mat33): void {
		// `.rightMul`, "right matrix multiplication" combines two transformations.
		// The transformation on the left is applied **after** the transformation on the right.
		// As such, `transformUpdate.rightMul(this.transform)` means that `this.transform`
		// will be applied **before** the `transformUpdate`.
		this.transform = transformUpdate.rightMul(this.transform);

	protected createClone(): AbstractComponent {
		const clone = new ExampleComponent(this.transform);
		return clone;

	public description(): string {
		return 'a red box';

	// ...other component logic...

	protected serializeToJSON() {
		return JSON.stringify({
			// NEW: Save the transform matrix:
			transform: this.transform.toArray(),

AbstractComponent.registerComponent(componentId, data => {
	const transformArray = JSON.parse(data).transform;

	// NEW: Validation
	if (!Array.isArray(transformArray)) {
		throw new Error('data.transform must be an array');
	for (const entry of transformArray) {
		if (!isFinite(entry)) {
			throw new Error(`Non-finite entry in transform: ${entry}`);

	// NEW: Create and return the component from the data
	const transform = new Mat33(...transformArray);
	return new ExampleComponent(transform);

// Make a button that adds the component
function makeAddIcon() {
	const container = document.createElement('div');
	container.textContent = '+';
	return container;

	icon: makeAddIcon(),
	label: 'Add test component',
}, () => {
	const initialTransform = Mat33.identity;
	const component = new ExampleComponent(initialTransform);

	// The addAndCenterComponents method automatically selects,
	// centers, and adds the provided components to the editor.
	// We could also add the component using
	// editor.dispatch(editor.image.addComponent(component));

Above, clicking the "+" button should add the component to both editors.

If you find that the AbstractRenderer's built-in methods are insufficient, it's possible to directly access the RenderingContext2D or SVGElement used by the renderer. See drawWithRawRenderingContext and drawWithSVGParent for details.


Where possible, try to use the AbstractRenderer-provided methods. Doing so can help keep your logic compatible with future renderer types.

Let's see an example that has SVG-specific and Canvas-specific rendering logic:

import { Editor, CanvasRenderer, SVGRenderer } from 'js-draw';
import { LineSegment2, Mat33, Rect2, Color4 } from '@js-draw/math';
import { AbstractRenderer, AbstractComponent } from 'js-draw';

const componentId = 'example';
class ExampleComponent extends AbstractComponent {
	protected contentBBox: Rect2;

	private transform: Mat33;
	private initialBBox: Rect2;

	public constructor(transform: Mat33) {

		this.transform = transform;
		this.initialBBox = new Rect2(0, 0, 50, 50);

	private updateBoundingBox() {
		this.contentBBox = this.initialBBox.transformedBoundingBox(

	public override render(canvas: AbstractRenderer, _visibleRect?: Rect2): void {

		if (canvas instanceof CanvasRenderer) {
			canvas.drawWithRawRenderingContext(ctx => {
				ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';

				// Draw a large number of rectangles
				const rectSize = 20;
				const maximumX = this.initialBBox.width - rectSize;
				for (let x = 0; x < maximumX; x += 2) {
					ctx.strokeRect(x, 0, rectSize, rectSize);
		} else if (canvas instanceof SVGRenderer) {
			canvas.drawWithSVGParent(parent => {
				// Draw some text. Note that this can also
				// be done with canvas.drawText
				const text = document.createElementNS(
					'', 'text',

				text.textContent = 'Text in an SVG element!';
				text.setAttribute('x', '50');
				text.setAttribute('y', '25'); = 'red';

		} else {
			// Fallback for other renderers

		const containerClassNames = ['comp--example-component'];
		canvas.endObject(this.getLoadSaveData(), containerClassNames);

	public intersects(line: LineSegment2) {
		return false; // TODO (see above sections for implementation)

	protected applyTransformation(transformUpdate: Mat33): void {
		this.transform = transformUpdate.rightMul(this.transform);

	protected createClone(): AbstractComponent {
		const clone = new ExampleComponent(this.transform);
		return clone;

	public description(): string {
		return 'a red box'; // TODO (see examples above)

	protected serializeToJSON() {
		return JSON.stringify({
			// TODO: Some data to save (for collaborative editing)

AbstractComponent.registerComponent(componentId, data => {
	// TODO: See above examples for how to implement this
	// Needed for collaborative editing
	throw new Error('Not implemented');

const editor = new Editor(document.body);

// Add the component
const initialTransform = Mat33.identity;
editor.dispatch(editor.image.addComponent(new ExampleComponent(initialTransform)));

// Preview the SVG output
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