Customizing existing tools

Changing which tools are in the toolbar

Let's say that I want to change the default pen type and color for the second pen.

There are a few ways to do this, some more fragile than others. All use editor.toolController to access and modify the available tools.

Method 1: Get the second pen tool and modify it

This method uses ToolController.getMatchingTools with a type of PenTool, then uses methods like PenTool.setThickness to change the default properties of the tool:

import {
    Editor, PenTool, Color4
} from 'js-draw';
import 'js-draw/styles';
const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
    wheelEventsEnabled: 'only-if-focused',

// The toolbar can be added either before or after changing the tool.

// Get all tools of type PenTool (we could also do this with an EraserTool).
const penTools = editor.toolController.getMatchingTools(PenTool);

// Get the second pen tool (somewhat fragile -- js-draw might change
// the default toolbar configuration in a future major release).
const secondPen = penTools[1];


This method is a bit fragile. Let's say that a future release of js-draw only has one pen tool. In this case, there will be no second pen tool to fetch from the toolbar. A change like this should only happen between major versions (e.g. from 2.x.x to 3.x.x).

Method 2: Use a custom set of default tools

This method creates new tools and adds them to the list of default tools. Be sure to do this before initializing the toolbar — most toolbar widgets are created based on the presence/absence of tools in the ToolController.

import {
    Editor, PenTool, Color4, makeOutlinedCircleBuilder,
} from 'js-draw';
import 'js-draw/styles';
const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
    wheelEventsEnabled: 'only-if-focused',

const toolController = editor.toolController;

const originalPenTools = toolController.getMatchingTools(PenTool);

// Add a new pen after the existing
const penStyle: PenStyle = {
    // Draw circles by default
    factory: makeOutlinedCircleBuilder,
    thickness: 4,

const newPen = new PenTool(editor, 'My custom pen', penStyle);

// Add after the first pre-existing pen tool
toolController.insertToolsAfter(originalPenTools[0], [ newPen ]);

// Remove the previous pen tools

// Make the new pen a primary tool -- it disables other primary tools
// when the user first enables it (like the default eraser/text tool/pens)

// Must be done after changing the tools:

Adding a new pen type

To add a custom pen type that can be selected using the toolbar, use the pen setting.

For example, to enable the polyline pen,

import { Editor, makePolylineBuilder } from 'js-draw';

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
    pens: {
        additionalPenTypes: [{
            name: 'Polyline pen',
            id: 'custom-polyline',
            factory: makePolylineBuilder,

            // The pen doesn't create fixed shapes (e.g. squares, rectangles, etc)
            // and so should go under the "pens" section.
            isShapeBuilder: false,

We could then make it the default pen style for the first pen:

import { PenTool } from 'js-draw';

const firstPen = editor.toolController.getMatchingTools(PenTool)[0];

Custom pens

It's also possible to create custom pens.

To create a custom pen type, create a class that implements ComponentBuilder. For example, to create a pen that draws wavy lines,

import {
    pathToRenderable, Path, Stroke, ComponentBuilderFactory, Point2, Vec2, Rect2, Color4, Viewport, StrokeDataPoint, RenderingStyle, PathCommandType, ComponentBuilder, AbstractRenderer
} from 'js-draw';

/// The custom ComponentBuilder
/// This class handles conversion between input data (for example, as generated
/// by a mouse) and AbstractComponents that will be added to the drawing.

class CustomBuilder implements ComponentBuilder {
    private path: Path;
    private renderingStyle: RenderingStyle;
    private lastPoint: Point2;

    public constructor(
        startPoint: StrokeDataPoint,

        // We'll use sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas later, to round points
        // based on the current zoom level.
        private sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas: number
    ) {
        // Round points based on the current zoom to prevent the saved SVG
        // from having large decimals.
        const startPosition = this.roundPoint(startPoint.pos);

        // Initially, just a point:
        this.path = new Path(startPosition, []);

        this.renderingStyle = {
            // No fill
            fill: Color4.transparent,

            stroke: {
                color: startPoint.color,

                // For now, the custom pen has a constant width based on the first
                // point.
                width: startPoint.width,

        this.lastPoint = startPosition;

    // Returns the bounding box of the stroke drawn so far. This box should contain
    // all points in the stroke.
    public getBBox(): Rect2 {
        return this.path.bbox;

    // Called to build the final version of the stroke.
    public build(): Stroke {
        return new Stroke([ pathToRenderable(this.path, this.renderingStyle) ]);

    // Called while building the stroke. This is separate from .build() to
    // allow for greater efficiency (.build creates the final version, .preview
    // can be a fast preview).
    public preview(renderer: AbstractRenderer) {
        // For simplicity, use the same final shape as the preview.
        const stroke =;

    private roundPoint(point: Point2): Point2 {
        // Because js-draw supports a very large zoom range, we round differently
        // at different zoom levels. sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas is based on the current zoom level.
        return Viewport.roundPoint(point, this.sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas);

    // .addPoint is called when a new point of input data has been received.
    // newPoint contains color, pressure, and position information.
    public addPoint(newPoint: StrokeDataPoint) {
        // Create a new point based on the input data, plus some randomness!
        const size = newPoint.width * 4;
        const newPos =
            Vec2.of(Math.random() * size - size/2, Math.random() * size - size/2)

        // Round the point to prevent long decimal values when saving to SVG.
        const roundedPoint = this.roundPoint(newPos);

        this.path = new Path(this.path.startPoint, [
                kind: PathCommandType.LineTo,
                point: roundedPoint,

/// The custom ComponentBuilderFactory

// A ComponentBuilderFactory is responsible for creating instances of a
// ComponentBuilder. It's what we'll provide to js-draw.
export const makeCustomBuilder: ComponentBuilderFactory = 
    (initialPoint: StrokeDataPoint, viewport: Viewport) => {
        const sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas = viewport.getSizeOfPixelOnCanvas();
        return new CustomBuilder(initialPoint, sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas);

/// The editor

import { Editor } from 'js-draw';

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
    pens: {
        additionalPenTypes: [{
            name: 'Wavy pen',
            id: 'wavy-lines',
            factory: makeCustomBuilder,

            // Put under the "pens" section.
            isShapeBuilder: false,


/// Select our custom pen by default.

import { PenTool } from 'js-draw';

const firstPen = editor.toolController.getMatchingTools(PenTool)[0];

After running the example above, it should be possible to select a "Wavy pen" from the pen menu.

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