Customizing existing tools

Let's say that I want to change the default pen type and color for the second pen.

There are a few ways to do this, some more fragile than others. All use editor.toolController to access and modify the available tools.

This method uses ToolController.getMatchingTools with a type of PenTool, then uses methods like PenTool.setThickness to change the default properties of the tool:

import {
	Editor, PenTool, Color4
} from 'js-draw';
import 'js-draw/styles';
const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
	wheelEventsEnabled: 'only-if-focused',

// The toolbar can be added either before or after changing the tool.

// Get all tools of type PenTool (we could also do this with an EraserTool).
const penTools = editor.toolController.getMatchingTools(PenTool);

// Get the second pen tool (somewhat fragile -- js-draw might change
// the default toolbar configuration in a future major release).
const secondPen = penTools[1];


This method is a bit fragile. Let's say that a future release of js-draw only has one pen tool. In this case, there will be no second pen tool to fetch from the toolbar. A change like this should only happen between major versions (e.g. from 2.x.x to 3.x.x).

This method creates new tools and adds them to the list of default tools. Be sure to do this before initializing the toolbar — most toolbar widgets are created based on the presence/absence of tools in the ToolController.

import {
	Editor, PenTool, Color4, makeOutlinedCircleBuilder,
} from 'js-draw';
import 'js-draw/styles';
const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
	wheelEventsEnabled: 'only-if-focused',

const toolController = editor.toolController;

const originalPenTools = toolController.getMatchingTools(PenTool);

// Add a new pen after the existing
const penStyle: PenStyle = {
	// Draw circles by default
	factory: makeOutlinedCircleBuilder,
	thickness: 4,

const newPen = new PenTool(editor, 'My custom pen', penStyle);

// Add after the first pre-existing pen tool
toolController.insertToolsAfter(originalPenTools[0], [ newPen ]);

// Remove the previous pen tools

// Make the new pen a primary tool -- it disables other primary tools
// when the user first enables it (like the default eraser/text tool/pens)

// Must be done after changing the tools:

To add a custom pen type that can be selected using the toolbar, use the pen setting.

For example, to add a pen that switches between the polyline and the circle tools,

import { Editor, makePolylineBuilder, makeOutlinedCircleBuilder, ComponentBuilderFactory } from 'js-draw';

// A pen factory's job is to return a ComponentBuilder when starting a new stroke.
// Below, we randomly choose between a circle ComponentBuilder and a polyline pen ComponentBuilder.
// Parameters:
//   startPoint - the first point on the stroke.
//   viewport - information about the current rotation/scale of the drawing canvas.
const customPenFactory: ComponentBuilderFactory = (startPoint, viewport) => {
	// Randomly choose either a polyline or a circle for this stroke.
	if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
		return makePolylineBuilder(startPoint, viewport);
	} else {
		return makeOutlinedCircleBuilder(startPoint, viewport);

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
	pens: {
		// The polyline is already present by default --
		additionalPenTypes: [{
			name: 'Polyline pen',
			id: 'custom-polyline',
			factory: customPenFactory,

			// The pen doesn't create fixed shapes (e.g. squares, rectangles, etc)
			// and so should go under the "pens" section.
			isShapeBuilder: false,

We could then make it the default pen style for the first pen:

import { PenTool } from 'js-draw';

const firstPen = editor.toolController.getMatchingTools(PenTool)[0];

It's also possible to create custom pens.

To create a custom pen type, create a class that implements ComponentBuilder. For example, to create a pen that draws wavy lines,

import {
	pathToRenderable, Path, Stroke, ComponentBuilderFactory, Point2, Vec2, Rect2, Color4, Viewport, StrokeDataPoint, RenderingStyle, PathCommandType, ComponentBuilder, AbstractRenderer
} from 'js-draw';

/// The custom ComponentBuilder
/// This class handles conversion between input data (for example, as generated
/// by a mouse) and AbstractComponents that will be added to the drawing.

class CustomBuilder implements ComponentBuilder {
	private path: Path;
	private renderingStyle: RenderingStyle;
	private lastPoint: Point2;

	public constructor(
		startPoint: StrokeDataPoint,

		// We'll use sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas later, to round points
		// based on the current zoom level.
		private sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas: number
	) {
		// Round points based on the current zoom to prevent the saved SVG
		// from having large decimals.
		const startPosition = this.roundPoint(startPoint.pos);

		// Initially, just a point:
		this.path = new Path(startPosition, []);

		this.renderingStyle = {
			// No fill
			fill: Color4.transparent,

			stroke: {
				color: startPoint.color,

				// For now, the custom pen has a constant width based on the first
				// point.
				width: startPoint.width,

		this.lastPoint = startPosition;

	// Returns the bounding box of the stroke drawn so far. This box should contain
	// all points in the stroke.
	public getBBox(): Rect2 {
		return this.path.bbox;

	// Called to build the final version of the stroke.
	public build(): Stroke {
		return new Stroke([ pathToRenderable(this.path, this.renderingStyle) ]);

	// Called while building the stroke. This is separate from .build() to
	// allow for greater efficiency (.build creates the final version, .preview
	// can be a fast preview).
	public preview(renderer: AbstractRenderer) {
		// For simplicity, use the same final shape as the preview.
		const stroke =;

	private roundPoint(point: Point2): Point2 {
		// Because js-draw supports a very large zoom range, we round differently
		// at different zoom levels. sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas is based on the current zoom level.
		return Viewport.roundPoint(point, this.sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas);

	// .addPoint is called when a new point of input data has been received.
	// newPoint contains color, pressure, and position information.
	public addPoint(newPoint: StrokeDataPoint) {
		// Create a new point based on the input data, plus some randomness!
		const size = newPoint.width * 4;
		const newPos =
			Vec2.of(Math.random() * size - size/2, Math.random() * size - size/2)

		// Round the point to prevent long decimal values when saving to SVG.
		const roundedPoint = this.roundPoint(newPos);

		this.path = new Path(this.path.startPoint, [,
				kind: PathCommandType.LineTo,
				point: roundedPoint,

/// The custom ComponentBuilderFactory

// A ComponentBuilderFactory is responsible for creating instances of a
// ComponentBuilder. It's what we'll provide to js-draw.
export const makeCustomBuilder: ComponentBuilderFactory =
	(initialPoint: StrokeDataPoint, viewport: Viewport) => {
		const sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas = viewport.getSizeOfPixelOnCanvas();
		return new CustomBuilder(initialPoint, sizeOfScreenPixelOnCanvas);

/// The editor

import { Editor } from 'js-draw';

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
	pens: {
		additionalPenTypes: [{
			name: 'Wavy pen',
			id: 'wavy-lines',
			factory: makeCustomBuilder,

			// Put under the "pens" section.
			isShapeBuilder: false,


/// Select our custom pen by default.

import { PenTool } from 'js-draw';

const firstPen = editor.toolController.getMatchingTools(PenTool)[0];

After running the example above, it should be possible to select a "Wavy pen" from the pen menu.

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