Interface EditorSettings

Provides settings to an instance of an editor. See the Editor Editor.constructor.

import { EditorSettings, Editor, KeyBinding, makeEdgeToolbar } from 'js-draw';
import { MaterialIconProvider } from '@js-draw/material-icons';

// All settings are optional! Try commenting them out.
const settings: EditorSettings = {
	// Use a non-default set of icons
	iconProvider: new MaterialIconProvider(),

	// Only capture mouse wheel events if the editor has focus. This is useful
	// when the editor is part of a larger, scrolling page.
	wheelEventsEnabled: 'only-if-focused',

	// The default minimum zoom is 2e-10...
	minZoom: 2e-10,

	// and the maximum default zoom is 1e12
	maxZoom: 1e12,

	// Override some keyboard shortcuts!
	keyboardShortcutOverrides: {
		// The ID for the save action
		'': [
			// "Meta" = the command key on MacOS

			// Also map ctrl+M to save!

// Create the editor!
const editor = new Editor(document.body, settings);

// Selects a specific toolbar type. See also makeDropdownToolbar
const toolbar = makeEdgeToolbar(editor);

// Add the action button that is triggered by the save keyboard shortcuts above.
toolbar.addSaveButton(() => {
	const saveData = editor.toSVG().outerHTML;

	// Do something with saveData
	alert('Saved data:\n\n' + saveData);
interface EditorSettings {
    appInfo: null | {
        description?: string;
        name: string;
        version?: string;
    iconProvider: IconProvider;
    image: null | {
        showImagePicker?: ShowCustomFilePickerCallback;
    keyboardShortcutOverrides: Record<string, KeyBinding[]>;
    localization: Partial<EditorLocalization>;
    maxZoom: number;
    minZoom: number;
    notices: AboutDialogEntry[];
    pens: null | {
        additionalPenTypes?: readonly Readonly<PenTypeRecord>[];
        filterPenTypes?: ((penType: PenTypeRecord) => boolean);
    renderingMode: RenderingMode;
    text: null | {
        fonts?: string[];
    wheelEventsEnabled: boolean | "only-if-focused";


appInfo: null | {
    description?: string;
    name: string;
    version?: string;

Information about the app/website js-draw is running within. This is shown at the beginning of the about dialog.

Type declaration

  • Optionaldescription?: string

    (Optional) A brief description of the app

  • name: string
  • Optionalversion?: string

    (Optional) The app version

iconProvider: IconProvider

Provides a set of icons for the editor.

See, for example, the @js-draw/material-icons package.

image: null | {
    showImagePicker?: ShowCustomFilePickerCallback;

Configures the default InsertImageWidget control.

Type declaration

  • Optional BetashowImagePicker?: ShowCustomFilePickerCallback

    A custom callback to show an image picker. If given, this should return a list of Files representing the images selected by the picker.

    If not given, the default file picker shown by a file input is shown.

    -- API may change between minor releases.

keyboardShortcutOverrides: Record<string, KeyBinding[]>

Overrides for keyboard shortcuts. For example,

'': [ KeyBinding.keyboardShortcutFromString('ctrl+a') ],
'': [ ]

where shortcut IDs map to lists of associated keybindings.

localization: Partial<EditorLocalization>

Uses a default English localization if a translation is not given.

maxZoom: number

Maximum zoom fraction (e.g. 2 → 200% zoom). Defaults to 110121 \cdot 10^{12}.

minZoom: number

Minimum zoom fraction (e.g. 0.5 → 50% zoom). Defaults to 210102 \cdot 10^{-10}.

notices: AboutDialogEntry[]

Additional messages to show in the "about" dialog.

pens: null | {
    additionalPenTypes?: readonly Readonly<PenTypeRecord>[];
    filterPenTypes?: ((penType: PenTypeRecord) => boolean);

Configures the default PenTool tools.


import { Editor, makePolylineBuilder } from 'js-draw';

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
	pens: {
		additionalPenTypes: [{
			name: 'Polyline (For debugging)',
			id: 'custom-polyline',
			factory: makePolylineBuilder,

			// The pen doesn't create fixed shapes (e.g. squares, rectangles, etc)
			// and so should go under the "pens" section.
			isShapeBuilder: false,

Type declaration

  • OptionaladditionalPenTypes?: readonly Readonly<PenTypeRecord>[]

    Additional pen types that can be selected in a toolbar.

  • OptionalfilterPenTypes?: ((penType: PenTypeRecord) => boolean)

    Should return true if a pen type should be shown in the toolbar.

    import {Editor} from 'js-draw';
    const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
      // Only allow selecting the polyline pen from the toolbar.
      pens: { filterPenTypes: p => === 'polyline-pen' },

    Notice that this setting only affects the toolbar GUI.

      • (penType): boolean
      • Parameters

        • penType: PenTypeRecord

        Returns boolean

renderingMode: RenderingMode

Defaults to RenderingMode.CanvasRenderer

text: null | {
    fonts?: string[];

Configures the default TextTool control and text tool.

Type declaration

  • Optionalfonts?: string[]

    Fonts to show in the text UI.

wheelEventsEnabled: boolean | "only-if-focused"

true if touchpad/mousewheel scrolling should scroll the editor instead of the document. This does not include pinch-zoom events. Defaults to true.

OpenSource licenses