Function uniteCommands

  • Creates a single command from commands. This is useful when undoing should undo all commands in commands at once, rather than one at a time.

    Type Parameters


    • commands: T[]
    • Optional options: number | UniteCommandsOptions

    Returns T extends SerializableCommand
        ? SerializableCommand
        : Command


    import { Editor, pathToRenderable, Stroke, uniteCommands } from 'js-draw';
    import { Path, Color4 } from '@js-draw/math';
    const editor = new Editor(document.body);
    // Create strokes!
    const strokes = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      const renderablePath = pathToRenderable(
        Path.fromString(`M0,${i * 10} L100,100 L300,30 z`),
        { fill: Color4.transparent, stroke: { color:, width: 1, } }
      strokes.push(new Stroke([ renderablePath ]));
    // Convert to commands
    const addStrokesCommands = => editor.image.addElement(stroke));
    // Apply all as a single undoable command (try applying each in a loop instead!)
    await editor.dispatch(uniteCommands(addStrokesCommands));
    // The second parameter to uniteCommands is for very large numbers of commands, when
    // applying them shouldn't be done all at once (which would block the UI).
    // The second parameter to uniteCommands is for very large numbers of commands, when
    // applying them shouldn't be done all at once (which would block the UI).

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