Updating the editor's viewport

This guide demonstrates changing which part of an image is visible in an Editor.

Related APIs:

  • Viewport.transformBy: Creates a Command that moves/zooms/rotates the canvas.
  • Editor.dispatch: Applies a Command.
  • Mat33: Can be used to tell Viewport.transformBy how to move/scale/rotate.
    • For example, Mat33.scaling2D(2) zooms in by a factor of 2.

For example, to zoom out by a factor of 4,

import { Editor, Viewport, Mat33 } from 'js-draw';
const editor = new Editor(document.body); // 1

const command = Viewport.transformBy(Mat33.scaling2D(1/4)); // 2
editor.dispatch(command); // 3


  1. An editor is created using the Editor constructor and added to document.body.
  2. A transformBy command is created. In this case, the command scales the viewport by a factor of 4.
    • Try replacing 1/4 with 1/2. This should zoom out by a factor of 2.
    • Try replacing 1/4 with 4. This should zoom in by a factor of 4.
    • Try replacing Mat33.scaling2D with Mat33.zRotation!
  3. The viewport is updated by applying command to the editor.
    • Many types of editor changes are applied with Editor.dispatch. This allows these actions to be undone using the undo button. Try pressing the undo button in the example above! Notice that the transformBy command is unapplied.

In the example above, pressing "undo" unapplies the zoom command. There are at least two ways to prevent this:

  1. Replacing editor.dispatch(command) with command.apply(editor).
    • Warning: This will not announce that command was done for accessibility tools.
  2. Replacing editor.dispatch(command) with editor.dispatch(command, false).
import { Editor, Viewport, Mat33 } from 'js-draw';
const editor = new Editor(document.body); // 1

const command = Viewport.transformBy(Mat33.scaling2D(1/4)); // 2
editor.dispatch(command, false); // false: Don't add to history

// Alternatively,
// command.apply(editor);

See also Editor.dispatchNoAnnounce.

Let's start by creating an editor and adding it to the document:

import { Editor } from 'js-draw';

// Create an editor with a toolbar:
const editor = new Editor(document.body);

Next, to make it clear that the editor is moving, let's give the editor a repeating background:

import { Color4, BackgroundComponentBackgroundType } from 'js-draw';

    color: Color4.orange,
    type: BackgroundComponentBackgroundType.Grid,

	// Make the background autoresize so that it's always
	// visible:
	autoresize: true,

Next, let's change the position of the canvas in a loop:

import { Viewport } from 'js-draw';
import { Mat33, Vec2 } from '@js-draw/math';

// When moveLeftUpdate is applied to the viewport, it moves the
// canvas to the left by 1 unit. This is the same as moving the viewport
// to the right by one unit.
const moveLeftUpdate = Mat33.translation(Vec2.of(-1, 0));

function update() {
	const moveLeftCommand = Viewport.transformBy(moveLeftUpdate);


Above, the Vec2.of(-1, 0) gives the direction to move the canvas.

Things to try:

  • Try replacing Vec2.of(-1, 0) with Vec2.of(0, 1). How is the viewport updated?
  • Instead of moving left, change the code above to zoom out.
  • Change the code above to both move left and zoom out.
    • Hint: Either call .apply twice or use Mat33.rightMul to combine the two transformations.

The above update loop has a problem — on some devices, the viewport moves faster than on others.

To fix this, we determine the time elapsed between each animation frame and use this to scale the position change:

import { Editor } from 'js-draw';
import { Color4, BackgroundComponentBackgroundType } from 'js-draw';

const editor = new Editor(document.body);

    color: Color4.orange,
    type: BackgroundComponentBackgroundType.Grid,
	autoresize: true,

import { Viewport } from 'js-draw';
import { Mat33, Vec2 } from '@js-draw/math';

let lastTime = performance.now();
function update() {
	// Get how long many milliseconds have elapsed since the last update.
	const nowTime = performance.now();
	const millisecondsElapsed = nowTime - lastTime;
	const seconds = millisecondsElapsed / 1000;
	lastTime = nowTime;

	const moveLeftRate = -10; // units/second
	const moveLeftAmount = Vec2.of(moveLeftRate * seconds, 0);
	const moveLeftUpdate = Mat33.translation(moveLeftAmount);
	const moveLeftCommand = Viewport.transformBy(


See also the MDN documentation for requestAnimationFrame.

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