Class DummyRenderer

Renderer that outputs almost nothing. Useful for automated tests.

Hierarchy (view full)



clearedCount: number = 0

Variables that track the state of what's been rendered

lastFillStyle: null | RenderingStyle = null
lastImage: null | RenderableImage = null
lastPoint: null | Vec3 = null
lastText: null | string = null
objectLevel: number = 0
objectNestingLevel: number = 0
pointBuffer: Vec3[] = []

List of points drawn since the last clear.

renderedPathCount: number = 0


  • This should be called whenever a new object is being drawn.


    • boundingBox: Rect2

      The bounding box of the object to be drawn.

    • _clip: boolean

      Whether content outside _boundingBox should be drawn. Renderers that override this method are not required to support _clip.

    Returns void

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