Hematite Theme Hematite Theme

Configuring User-Configurable Settings

The Hematite theme comes with a user-configurable settings page. Settings are stored using localStorage.

The settings GUI looks like this
    Include the settings GUI in a page with the following Liquid include:
{% include settings.html %}

Disabling them

The user-configurable settings page (enabled by default) can be disabled by adding the following to _config.yml:

  # ...

    # ...
    show_settings_btn: false

You can see what settings are available on this site’s settings page.

Adding custom settings

If you have your own settings, create your own assets/html/settings.html to override the default settings page. You can then {% include settings.html %} to include the settings widgets that come with the Hematite theme.

The default settings page, for example, looks similar to this:

layout: default
title: Settings
noindex: true

<!-- in assets/html/settings.html -->

<h1 id="settings_header">page_settings_header</h1>
<p id="settings_description">page_settings_description</p>

{% include settings.html %}

Setting settings’ default values

Change the default values of many of the settings in _config.yml!

    # ... Other settings ...

        # The font associated with the "small"
        # font size option, in pt.
        font_size_small: 9
        font_size_medium: 13
        font_size_large: 16

        # Whether to show/hide the sticky header by default
        minimize_header: false

Currently, the default font family must be changed with CSS. For example, if your site’s assets/style.scss looks like this:

title: false
styles: true

@import "hematite";

// In dark mode, invert the brightness of images
@include auto-invert-images;

The default font families can then be customized by adding this to the end of style.scss:

:root {
    --serif-font-family: 'Times New Roman', 'Font of your choice', serif;
    --sans-font-family: 'URW Gothic, Book', 'Font of your choice', sans-serif;
    --main-font-family: var(--serif-font-family);
    // or
    // --main-font-family: var(--sans-font-family);
    // to default to a sans font.